To develop wealth and increase the level of economic well-being of the people

After my financial release, most people thought I had made millions of dollars to “retire.” It was not like that. Instead, I followed what my coach had taught me about money and investing. Two keywords: cash flow

The formula was simple: have more cash flowing in every month from my investments than was flowing out in living expenses.
At that time, thanks to the principles I learned from my coach, I was financially free at that time. I asked my self, “What do I really want to do with my life?”

I believe that the purpose of a business is to solve problems.The problem I tried to solve was that financial education is not taught in the school system all over the world … So I took it upon myself to provide real financial education to people all over the world, But I went beyond that and did not stop at education, I provided all the levers for the implementation of education and the production of wealth for the people. All those levers of wealth and prosperity for the people were used in a toolkit called the Richtoolkit. I wanted to keep it simple
And I can say with confidence So that even a 9-year-old child can understand it And be trained with a wealth toolbox and Using the facilities that are provided to him Generate wealth for oneself That is, training with the implementation of not just theory

Because I was financially free at a young age, Everyone kept asking me, “How did you do that?” “It does not even occur to them,” So I thought I could have a great opportunity to share and implement these principles that got me to this point , So I designed a new fun game that people learn by learning and playing this game exactly how to get out of this rat race in which they are caught, and I named it the Richtoolkit game.

These formulas became books and other financial education books … 

I have written a complete collection of Richtoolkit books that have been translated into various languages that can be used and understood by every language and nation, and each is a clear path to wealth and happiness. I can say fully functional and reference as the instructions and formula to produce a delicious cake and a promising light that will be used quickly by people around the world.

It does not matter where in the world you live or what nationality and circumstances you live in, it is enough to be educated, read, learn and work with a coach, all the tools you need are at your disposal, for enough motivation in the Richtoolkit, so Only one thing remains your decision and will…

And this became a big movement

Do you know that you have a Richtoolkit club in your city? ”No”, you will see it soon.

Today, the Richtoolkit Company offers potential services, books, games and online products, coaching, event sets, classes and clubs, and thousands of companies and affiliates, all working to support our mission: Increasing the economic well-being of the people.
In this way:
We look forward to educating your family, community, city and country on financial literacy and financial freedom as you coordinate our mission. As my coach used to say, “Money may not be the most important thing in life, but it affects everything there is.” Our goal through financial teachings is to never suffer from the most important things in your life due to lack of money, but instead grow and achieve them all with your progress and success.